Sunday, June 16, 2013

Abu Daud Sharif

Hazrat Abu Daoud was a famous scholar of the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (salallahoAlaiheWasalam). His full name was Abu Daood Sulaiman ibn-e Ashas . He was  born in Sajistan, a famous city in Khorasan in the year 202 AH(817AD). He belonged to the Arab tribe Azd. Although he was born I Sajistan he spent most of his life in Basra, which was the seat of Islamic learning in his time. Imam Abu Dawud has traveled extensively gathering Hadees. Several times he went to Baghdad. He also visited the Hijaz, Egypt, Al-Jazeera, Nishapur, Syria and Asfahan. He died in 275 AH (888 AD). It took about 5 lakhs hadees from different sources and recorded 4800 hadees Sahih in his book "Sunan". It is said that it knows nothing so great scholars Quran Sharif and Sunan Daood

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